As a corporate security personnel, your job is to assess security risks, develop internal controls to prevent the theft of equipment or proprietary information, and ensure that employees are safe in the workplace. When security breaches occur, your focus shifts from prevention to investigation and damage control. Enhance your portfolio. Enriching your knowledge of safety and security techniques can help you and your staff easily prevent crime.

Duration: Five (5) months (weekends only)

Course Content

  • Risk Assessment & Management
  • Physical Security Measures
  • Critical Observation Techniques
  • Security Communication and Reporting
  • Intelligence Gathering & Information Technology
  • The Security Budgeting and Presenting to Senior Management
  • Conflict Resolution Management
  • Ethical and Professional Conduct
  • Incident Response and Crisis Management
  • Compliance and Legal Considerations
  • Personal and Corporate Safety Techniques
  • Security Intelligence and Threat Analysis
  • Intrusion Prevention & Protection
  • Monitoring & Maintenance of Security Infrastructure
  • Fire & Safety Management for Corporate Environment
  • Vendor and Supply Chain Security
  • Location Physical Security Test/Audit